Elton John sings about Niki Lauda - britishrock.cc
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Elton John sings about Niki Lauda
Elton John changed the lyrics of one of his biggest hits to pay tribute to Niki Lauda as he rocked Linz on Saturday. The award-winning pop veteran altered the opening lines of his 1972 smash hit "Crocodile Rock" from "I remember when rock was young, me and Suzie had so much fun" to "… Niki Lauda had so much fun".

The 6,000-some fans at the city’s Tips Arena acknowledged the surprise with roaring applause.

 "I’m Still Standing" and an extra-long version of "Rocket Man" were also featured in the set list of the 62-year-old English singer who performed at the Schwarzl Lake venue near Graz last night.

Lauda, who did not attend either of the concerts, is meanwhile under fire for an allegedly racist remark.

Asked during German station RTL’s live coverage of a Formula One race how he rated the chances of different drivers, he referred to Renault driver Robert Kubica only as "The Pollack", a derogative German term for Poles.

Presenter Florian König immediately told Lauda that he did not accept such language, but Lauda, 61, claimed the slang term did not have a negative meaning in Austria.

The three-time F1 champion – who heads low-cost carrier Fly Niki – later apologised for his blunder.

21.06.2010, 16:46 von T. Hochwarter

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