mit The Cure, Garbage, The Hives, Foals, Suede, Frank Turner, Peter, Bjorn And John und 4 weiteren
Lake Jarun
Besucher: 30000
Bands: 20
Besucher: 30000
Bands: 20
Top of the bill
The Cure (GBR)
Garbage (USA)
The Hives (SWE)
Foals (GBR)
Suede (GBR)
Frank Turner (GBR)
Line Up
The Cure, Garbage, The Hives, Foals, Suede, Frank Turner, Peter, Bjorn And John, Skindred, Kurt Vile And The Violators, Santigold und Johnny Marr
Headline RankingGenres auf diesem Festival
Rock (18,75%)
Punk (12,5%)
Pop (12,5%)
Soul (6,25%)
Gothic (6,25%)
Country (6,25%)
New Wave (6,25%)
Rock (18,75%)
Punk (12,5%)
Pop (12,5%)
Soul (6,25%)
Gothic (6,25%)
Country (6,25%)
New Wave (6,25%)
Line Up international
Großbritannien (62,5%)
Schweden (25%)
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (12,5%)
Schweden (25%)
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (12,5%)
Tickets erhältlich bei VVK-Stellen (Festivalpass für 70.00 EUR). Alle Preise zuzüglich Gebühren. Angaben ohne Gewähr. Wechselkursdifferenzen möglich.Preis/Leistungsverhältnis (Line-Up-bezogen):
Chronologie des Line Up's
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News zu diesem Event
15 May INmusic festival #14 full timeline announced!
16 Apr INmusic festival #14 daily line up announced!
21 Mar Johnny Marr is the latest addition to the impressive INmusic festival #14 lineup!
19 Feb The Hives are the newest addition to the impressive INmusic festival #14 line-up!
11 Feb Suede announced for their Croatian debut at INmusic festival #14! Suede announced for their Croatian debut at INmusic festival #14!
10 Jan Garbage confirmed for their Croatian live debut at INmusic festival #14!
20 Dec Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls are coming to INmusic festival #14!
11 Dec LP announced as the newest addition to the INmusic #14 festival line-up!
6 Dec Foals set to headline INmusic festival #14!
30 Nov The Cure to headline INMUSIC 2019! (CRO)
16 Apr INmusic festival #14 daily line up announced!
21 Mar Johnny Marr is the latest addition to the impressive INmusic festival #14 lineup!
19 Feb The Hives are the newest addition to the impressive INmusic festival #14 line-up!
11 Feb Suede announced for their Croatian debut at INmusic festival #14! Suede announced for their Croatian debut at INmusic festival #14!
10 Jan Garbage confirmed for their Croatian live debut at INmusic festival #14!
20 Dec Frank Turner & The Sleeping Souls are coming to INmusic festival #14!
11 Dec LP announced as the newest addition to the INmusic #14 festival line-up!
6 Dec Foals set to headline INmusic festival #14!
30 Nov The Cure to headline INMUSIC 2019! (CRO)
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